Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Panda Ponderings

“We spent our whole lives being told that blanket forts are only for special occasions, like sleepovers, or when uncles die. But that’s a lie, Annie. You can live in a fort of blankets all day every night.” -Troy (Community)

·          Snooze is the worst invention ever. Snooze is the lover in your bed that cuddles you closer and says “just a few more minutes”

  • ·         The favourite time is tea time with my best friend –Sometimes the thing I enjoy most is talking about the same old thing with the same old person. There is certainly a calming beauty in boredom

  • ·         I think the reason I am still single is because I draw dogs on my boobs in marker. Woof.

  • ·         The best part of a kiss is the split second before it happens

  • ·         When there is a red sunrise I hope I am not the only one to say “blood has been spilt this night”

  • ·         There is nothing sweeter than splattered speckles on a girl’s nose.

  • ·         There’s only so long you can get by unnoticed in a group political conversation without exposing yourself. Apparently a caucus is not a plant or a food group.

  • ·         My idea of a perfect date is talking for hours in a blanket and duvet fort equipped with wine and sweets.

  • ·         Daniel Radcliffe is dead sexy. And I say dead sexy because he defied death. Twice. That’s how sexy!

  • ·         Sometimes I think Fairytales were written when drunk – I also kiss strangers at midnight, loose shoes and use forks to brush my hair when I have had a few too many

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